Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Mesa Film Festival 2019

I attended the first Mesa Film Festival, in Mesa, AZ. Learned about 'shorts', or short movies, maybe no longer than 30 minutes. Had a great time. The guy with the beard does promotions. He put the thing together.
Started an online class today on a website called Master Class.  The class is taught by Martin Scorsese.  It's about film making. Did my first two lessons today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Short Stories...real short stories....

(fiction) This guy calls me and asks me if I want a job as the prop guy for a local horror flick. I said sure. The guy needs a black raven that shows up sitting in a tree several times through out the flick. I said no problem. I couldn't get a black raven, so I got out a mechanical duck I had in storage. I spray painted it black and glued it to a branch. It works off a remote. I put the mechanical duck in a tree. It's back ground for a creepy cemetery scene. Fog machine. Gray filters. The director cues me to activate the black raven. I hit the remote. QUACK QUACK! The black duck even moves his head. A chorus of WTF! goes up on set. It's a black duck! It kind of looks like a black raven! Give me a break!

(fiction) So a guy kicks in my door. He grabs the cat and puts a gun to its head. He says, "Where's the cheese coupon. Give me the cheese coupon or the cat gets it!" I said, "Sorry cat, I can't give up the cheese coupon". The cat gets pissed and bites the guy. The guy screams and runs out the door yelling he's going to sue me. Now the cat's mad at me.

IIf the world is going to end in 3 years, because of Global Warming; Why do all the Star Trek movies show highly advanced future?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


I posted some irreverent comments, on my Facebook page, about PG&E in California, shutting off power to 800,000 residents, to avoid forest fires.

Here is the link to my Facebook page.https://www.facebook.com/bruce.woodhull


Friday, October 4, 2019


Working on a crime/drama script. Was asked to write this for a real actor with real screen credits.